Target by Helen Bur


Original work (1 of 1)

Signed by the artist

Oil on Linen

Sold unframed

90 x 110 cm

Accompanied by a Saatchi Gallery Certificate of Authenticity.



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Helen Bur creates works of thoughtfulness and reflection. People are the focal point in the work of the artist. Often, figures are seen interacting with their environment suggesting that each is seeking to understand something more about themselves. The artist skilfully conveys more than simply a depiction of flesh, bone and organs. These are works that invite you to consider the inner thoughts of the subjects and then similarly reflect on your own body, environment and existence.

Bur divides her practice between the studio and the street. Her studio works are typically executed in oil on canvas and focus upon the human figure and its relationship with the space surrounding it. The artist also paints large-scale murals on street walls. Her works have been exhibited, and murals created, in countries around the globe.