Dustheads, 1982 by Basquiat Mini Print

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Jean-Michel Basquiat often referred to events that were happening in his personal life in his art. The two figures in ‘Dustheads’ are thought to be Basquiat’s close friends, who developed an addiction to the recreational drug PCP, known as angel dust. By using bold brushstrokes and vivid colours and setting the figures against a black backdrop, Basquiat has created a sense of chaos and movement reflecting the nature of drug abuse.

Print dimensions: 28 cm x 35 cm
Image dimensions: 19.6 cm x 23 cm
Supplied unframed

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Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was a New York born artist who radicalised the international art scene in the 80s. He famously worked alongside like-minded artists Andy Warhol and Keith Haring. Basquiat’s bold, Neo-Expressionist style is mixed with street poetry and pop references. Thanks to the popularity of his work, the graffiti sub-culture became a critically embraced art form and found exposure in fine art galleries. 

© Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Licensed by Artestar, New York.

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