Campbell’s Soup I: Tomato, 1968 Magnet by Warhol

£3.60 incl. VAT

Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans are among the most recognizable and celebrated works in the history of art.

Product Dimensions: 6 x 6 cm

Strong and durable

Coated semi-gloss finish

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Andy Warhol began his Campbell’s Soup Can paintings around 1961, and the subject would take various forms in the years to follow. He painted the well-known red and white cans, referring to a product list supplied by the Campbell Soup Company and checking off each type of soup as it was completed. A later series of Campbell’s Soup cans, produced around 1965, is comprised of nineteen different coloured cans. Through these ground breaking works, Warhol challenged our way of thinking about art.

© The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

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